Ver a Yahwi contemplar a Jooin durmiendo y al mismo tiempo querer besarlo pero sin poder porque sus recuerdos dolorosos no lo dejan.

Solo los que hemos pasado por situaciones así entendemos a la perfección como se siente Yahwi.

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Que hermoso como waje se esmero en mis bebés, me da tanta alegría verlos así en paz, definitivamente los mejores artes que he visto de ellos ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ los amo

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they wanted to make eachother a bday cake, so they went and did it together (mostly cain, jooin just helped ✨)
this is fashionably ultra-late but I doubt anybody minds teehee 😌💖

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We made Cain on tendency again, this time for his birthday 🌸🎂💖, my team is the best thank u everyone ✨✨

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His birthday is October 10th because he's a 10/10 😌🐿🌸

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Fifth activity: Drawing of the cute birthday boy Cain 🎨🖌️

Happy Birthday!
I really hope that my cute boy enjoys his birthday very much next to his soulmate Jooin 🎂💕

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Si Ytc fuera omegaverse así se vería un hijo de Yahwi y de Jooin ( Según Yo ) ♥️♥️♥️✨✨✨

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All the moments of Cain and Jooin are very cute. In addition, the small details of the cherry blossom petals, has become something characteristic that is only theirs 💛

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Yahwi conoció a Jooin cuando eran niños y nunca lo olvido, 18 años años después se enamoraron… Merecen su final feliz 🤩

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It hurts me to know that Cain for a long time had to live knowing about Jooin's past existence and him, thinking that he would never see him again. That's why I love how destiny has worked, bringing them together once again 💛✨

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Inserte su frase personal favorita.
(Lo hice rápido porque lo quería subir antes de las 12) ✨

¡¡Happy wolf day dear Cain!!🐺💛


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