360 of 366 x is for xanthocomic, which i guess means yellow-haired. i know tod doesn't have hair but i like that the word has comic in it.

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353 of 366  Q is for Question, which is something Tod does a lot.  

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345 of 366  is for Junebug. i this case i tried to draw a The Ten Lined June Beetle.  now i am officially caught up.

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340 of 366 E for Elusive. How many "E" things can you see in this? Bonus points for picking out stuff not in hashtags. https://t.co/dkuMW4Ya3i

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337 of 366 A for ATOMIC
seeing as how we just have a month left and i am currently caught up on these dailies i decided from now until the 27th to do an alphabet with Robot tod and all the things that go into making tod.

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ART AUCTION! see below for details.
336 of 366
Philippine mouse-deer , pilandok (in Filipino)4"x4" watercolor on watercolor paper drawing is sale to the highest bidder in the comments of my latest post. https://t.co/Px7o1oWf7g bids end tomorrow afternoon.

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335 of 366 white rabbit from alice in wonderland. with this one i am all caught up and will be doing one a day until 2021.
i'm selling all of these on my patreon. link in my profile.

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334 of 366 Robot Tod with a lion and sunflowers. requested by one of my PATREON subscribers. only $2 a month if you want to join. link in my profile.#robottod

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333 of 366 only two behind now. this is for a patreon subscriber and was supposed to be on november 28. I spent longer on this that I meant to but i'll be all caught up and back on track by tomorrow.

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330,331, and 332. 330 was on a few pages of proxima centauri, 331 was frontman in the strange band in THE WRENCHIES. each for sale on my patreon.

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