Capas de alguns mangás de Junho da editora Panini:

- Kaguya-sama: Love is War
- As Quíntuplas

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float t,x,y,r,N;void setup(){size(720,720);};void draw(){clear();t+=.005;for(y=0;y<780;y+=60)for(x=0;x<780;x+=60)for(r=0;r<TAU;r+=TAU/((x+y)/60%9+2))curve(x,y,x,y,x+cos(r+(N=noise(x,y,t)*9))*cos(t+N)*30,y+sin(r+N)*sin(t-N)*30,cos(r+x)*30*N+x,sin(r+x)*30*N+y);}

48 229

SCP-000; SCP-2317; SCP-408 & SCP-105; The Day of the Dragon

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Apparently there's a high school art vs. now event happening? I was in high school 2001-2005; these are circa 2004 vs. 2019-2020. Look, baby Guardian! (The first pages of what would become Lanterns of Arcadia were done in 2003)

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Day 05; a song that needs to be played loud

The first song I've played on Beat Saber (due to time out) and the song was stuck in my head (besides sore arms)

1 1

float x,y,n=random(30);
void setup(){size(900,900);stroke(#cda37a,60);noFill();blendMode(SUBTRACT);}
void draw(){strokeWeight(noise(n)*2+0.5);push();translate(450,450);rotate(noise(n+0.1)*2*PI);x=noise(n)*800;y=noise(3*n)*800;ellipse(0,0,x,y);pop();n+=0.005;}

6 50

onettan, wk.v: to hasten, move rapidly. (oh-NET-tahn) Image: Verdun Breviary; France (Metz), c. 1302-1305; Verdun, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 107, f. 8r; via .

39 157

A summery snap, for when Wellington's weather is anything but 🙃 This is a postcard of Days Bay jetty in c. 1905; find it on our Recollect site:

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Locotenent (Lieutenant-colonel), 1545; Captain and Schultheiß (judge), 1520; Standard bearer, 1505; Doppelsöldner of the Black Legion, 1520; Sutleress and Provost; Arquebusier and Pikeman, 1520; Gemeinweibel (community leader), Willibald Pirckheimer Regiment, 1529.

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2005; Mexico City premiere for ‘Mr. and Mrs. Smith’.

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Tibetan priest's time-stick from Darjeeling, India, unsigned, 1895-1905; similar to the column sundial, a wire gnomon was placed in the hole that corresponded with the month, it was then twisted to align the shadow with the scale

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Some throwbacks of Vinci! The first one is a Norman Rockwell spoof from 2005; the other is an expression sheet from about hrair years ago.

Mr. Coco these days is taking up residence on Valentine’s bed.

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Cover illustration, "Seven Little Dogs" by Mev. Stork Kruyff, 1905; Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag

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26th March 2005; a new generation of Whovians were introduced to a mysterious time traveller named The Doctor. Happy 14 years to New Who here’s to many more adventures ❤️#DoctorWho

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Dragon || A5 || Copic Multiliner SP 0,05; Watercolours

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