Day 71 in my and I managed to burn two fingers whilst cooking so todays drawing ended up being this weird wonky snake 😂

Hopefully it heals quickly!

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Sakura Miku

I love pink color!!!!!


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Day 62 in my and I’m back to quick jewelry sketches at 02.30 in the night for my daily art. But that’s ok, the most important is to draw/paint something every day!

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Day 59 in my and inspired by some roleplay on my fire mage I decided to start redesigning her sword! So here’s a quick concept I made today, I’m not super into it just yet, but it was fun to explore it!

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Day 56 in my and day of and we’re at the color blocking stage and I am NOT feeling this piece! Hopefully I feel a bit more motivated tomorrow 😂

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Day 47 in my aaaand another WIP. I was hoping to finish it today but life got in the way. But got rid of the final linework and tomorrow: rendering 🙌🏻

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Day 46 in my and I started rendering the comb!

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Day 45 in my and the pyromancer’s comb got some teeth on it 🔥

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Day 44 in my and inspired by yesterday I wanted to start drawing something for my gorgeous pyromancer, so have a WIP of that 🥳

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Day 40 in my and I finished the redraw of this environment study I did last year, and this time I even did it in 2 hours instead of 4! 🥳

It’s so fascinating seeing how my skills have changed but also my eye for details. 😅

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Day 38 in my and I’m continuing on this redraw of an environment study I did a year ago! Already seeing that it’s about to become a whole other piece already and it’s so much fun seeing everything with new eyes!

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Day 37 in my and I started on a redraw of a piece I did.. 1 year ago I believe? So here’s a rough sketch!

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Day 36 in my and I finished my braid!
This challenge is one that I try to do every year since I started in 2019 (Only year I missed was when I just gave birth in 2020) and I actually have a braid from every year that I will post below! 🙌🏻

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Day 34 in my and I started a braid study! ✨🥳

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Day 22 in my and I’ve dipped my toes into the rendering 🎨

Following course they encourage drawing things from your mind and experimenting so I’ve barely used any references and it is challenging, but also a lot of fun! 🥳

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Day 21 in my and I started adding some colors to the portrait 🎨 Painting in greyscale never felt natural to me so it’s a challenge, but now she’s finally coming to life!

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Day 20 in my and my girl is starting to come together nicely! Looking a bit too grumpy right now😅

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Day 19 in and one of the things they teach you in is to draw things you want to draw, even if you feel like you cant do it well. So today I jumped onto a portrait and having so much fun that I can’t wait to continue tomorrow! 🎉

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