Day No. 64: Now I slowly remember why fell off the chair laughing the other time we talked

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Day No. 52: I believe that after today I look a bit tired don't you think so?

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Day No. 40: Had so much fun making video & photo for the special occasion. Here is a sneak peak of it:

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Day 4: Spent an hour to do my fav color black!!

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Day 94: Kittens and rhinos shared a croissant today.

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Day 92: Telling old stories. And visiting Monet.

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Day 87: Golden butterflies

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Great to catch up with buddies, fun talking about the night bfore!

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Day 64: Just like when we were lil. Day in the city w/ Mami. Happy Mother's Day

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Day 8: A talk and a little walk, time passes fast :)

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Day 7: Watching TV series with my brother, again :D

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Finally found a day to paint for the first time this year!!

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Let's try the :) Day 1: Today I was very sick, but I've been wanting to sleep all day long :3

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