July 1593, the 90000-main force of the Japanese stormed Jinju, 6000 Korean soldiers defended. Most of the Korean officers and soldiers died in battle while the rest committed suicide by jumping into the river. The Japanese then massacred the city, killing 60000 civilians.

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March 1593, the Japanese attempted to counterattack, commander Ukita Hideie (宇喜多秀家) attacked Haengju with 30000 men. 2800 Korean soldiers and civilians, led by Gwon Yul, defended this ruined castle, repelled attacks from the Japanese troops and won an unexpected victory.

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In 1593, Li Rusong(李如松), the high commander of the coalition attacked Pyongyang. Hundreds of cannons were used to attack the city. According to historical records, more than 12000 Japanese soldiers were killed in the battle. This great victory encouraged the coalition greatly.

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A tad harsh from 1593:
'The Presbytery of Glasgow statutes & ordains that if Mungo Craig shall play his pipes on Sunday from the sun rising till sun going to, in any place within the bounds of the Presbytery, that he immediately thereafter shall be summarily excommunicated.'

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Witches' Kitchens by Hieronymus Francken II (between 1593 and 1623), Frans Francken the Younger (1610), David Teniers the Younger (between 1630 and 1690), and Francisco Goya (1797-98)

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Pintora barroca italiana, que fué la 1ra mujer miembro de la Academia de arte y diseño en Florencia. Feminista en un contexto misógino por la época, pintó mujeres fuertes, ...

... sigue 👇

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Gem Sweep! 19 Sacred Serpentz bought for 0.1593 ETH https://t.co/uBJmKcDwYI

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.Jacob Jordaens (19 May 1593 – 18 October 1678) Flemish painter.The Four Evangelists - Αντιγραφή

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【France 1980】

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Forgot I made some of my first art for my fantasy worldbuilding project. Depicted here is King Kaleb the Great who reigned from 1593-1625. Based on traditional Ethiopian art

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OTD 1593 Tyrone reported to Lord Deputy tha he had met with Maguire and got assurances from that he would disperse his army, Maguire 'faithfully promised me that...within these 5 or 6 weeks put them clearly from him'. Deceiving Crown to buy time. Most troops were Tyrone's own men

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Died (alas!) on this day in 1593, in Milan, Giuseppe Arcimboldo. Started as a portrait painter. Went in other directions. Here drawn by himself.

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Born in 1593: Italian painter (1593- 1656)

Self-Portrait as Maria Magdalena, ca. 1617-20

Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum

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Our Woman of the Day artist Artemisia Gentileschi born OTD 1593 Rome. Raped at 17, tortured to “verify” her testimony, she portrayed women in her work as courageous, rebellious, powerful personalities. She said “As long as I live I will have control over my being.” Self portrait.

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