Se consideraba al amamantamiento como algo indigno, propio de las clases inferiores. De esta manera se puso de moda la lactancia mercenaria por medio de nodrizas o madres de leche del pueblo llano.
El futuro con su ama de cría ca. 1640, por Charles Beaubrun

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The subject of today's thread is Aphra Behn - a 17th century author, poet and playwright. Born in 1640, her early life is mysterious. It's possible that she travelled to Surinam, the English (and later Dutch) colony, only returning to England in her mid-twenties.

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1640, hope to break 2k in October.

I'm Alex! Im a self-taught artist who loves to draw my OCs with vivid backgrounds, and fanart!

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Stay positive and enjoy the little things this night: print made by van Rhijn, ca.1640, coll.

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Estas dos versiones de “El Rey bebe” o “La embriaguez del monarca en el festín”de Jacob Jordaens son de 1638 y 1640, es gracioso porque el bebé de la primera y de la segunda podrían ser el mismo niño pensando:mamá, no me traigas, déjame con los abuelos cuando vayas de fiesta

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(Peter Paul Rubens, 1577-1640, オランダ)

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Artemisia Gentileschi, Samson and Delilah, c. 1640, Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano, Naples

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Peter Paul Rubens, 1577-1640, Flemish Baroque painter,, Ahmed Al III Hafsa Sultan of Tunisia. 1613-14

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