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Artista mostra como seria a aparência da Rainha Má de ‘Branca de Neve’ se ela fosse uma pessoa real.

Branca de Neve e os Sete Anões foi lançado no ano de 1937, tornando-se um dos grandes clássicos da Disney.👇

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Utagahama by 吉田博 Yoshida Hiroshi, 1937

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in 1937
sotto il vestito...
Cover of The New Yorker, March 27, 1937
Rea Irvin

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Guernica is definitely in the top 5 for sure, but my absolute favourite is On the Beach (La Beignade), also from 1937. It’s in the Peggy Guggenheim collection in Venice. I have visited it many times over the years and I’m drawn to it every time. Such a masterpiece.

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He continued to work with other artists in driving each other & in the 1930s he was collected by Barnes. The Red Blouse (1936), Woman in Patterned Blouse (1936) & Purple Robe & Anemones (1937)

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The April selection is "Sparkling Cyanide" (US title: Remembered Death). 1st published in 1945 by Collins it was actually a re-writing of her 1937 story "Yellow Iris" though that featured Poirot. US 1st by Dodd Mead & US paperback by Tom Adams.

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💎 “Guernica" (1937)

Is perhaps his most famous work & an iconic symbol of the horrors of war

The painting depicts the bombing of the Spanish town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War

It features distorted, anguished figures & an overall sense of chaos and despair

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Norman Stevens (1937-1988)
Another unsung artist. I’d not heard of him before but he was part of the ‘Bradford Mafia’ of artists including David Hockney who is very well known
1) ‘Weather and Art’. In the Tate
2) Autumn
3) Spring
4) Leven Hall Gardens

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1937年の本日(3/21)、1934A型駆逐艦の1隻「Z16 フリードリヒ・エッコルト」が進水しました

艦名はWWⅠ真っ只中の1916/5/31のユトランド沖海戦で大型水雷艇 V48の艦長を務め、戦死したドイツ帝国海軍の中尉「フリードリヒ・エッコルト」氏の名を拝借し名付けられました

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Jean Ubaghs (1852-1937)
Le fanciulle della primavera, 1932

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The Ebb Tide, Charles Haslewood Shannon 1863-1937 Signed available. https://t.co/8MLkdgVaot Shannon, painter, and collector whose life was inseparable from that of In our & section.

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◆藤島 武二≪満75歳没≫◆

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