This is the fifth and last sheet of the saga theme made by and ....the character is Silver The Hedgehog!! 🦔✨

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Venivano dai più lontani estremi della vita.. mai si sarebbero sfiorati.. neanche si erano dovuti cercare...tutto il difficile è stato primo sguardo è già lo sapevano. Baricco Ron Hicks

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“You are God’s temple … ” (1 Cor 3:16)
This temple of ours is defiled if we neglect our duties towards our neighbour.
A heart without is like a deconsecrated a building withdrawn from God’s service & given over to another use.
. Homily 23Feb14

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staith_es XH568 English Electric Canberra B6(mod) cn 71105 RAE RAE Thurleigh 23Feb90

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