The final silhouettes are finished! Be on the lookout for them in the 8th grade hallway 👍🏼

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More awesome 7th grade Contour Line Shoes & Tessellations! 👞 👟 👠

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Check out this silhouette painted by an awesome 8th grader!#turner202strong

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An AWESOME parent donated a TON of art supplies from an artist’s estate sale this weekend. My car is filled to the brim with canvases, tools, matte board, and ink. I am one happy, happy art teacher! Thank you x’s 💯 !

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Here is why read aloud are great for middle school grades!!! Just another great idea brought to

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😍 🍫 Those clean brush stroke lines tho!

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Coming soon to the 7th grade hallway: Monochromatic Landscapes & Creative Color Wheels

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My 1st TMS football game! Let's go Bears!

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Hey -Can I get a RT? My 7th grade art student in KC chose to do a portrait of you for her mixed media project!

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Love this Creative Color Wheel by a 7th grade student

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couldn't help but give the a try! Can you spot the actual wooden drawing mannequin?

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The dog snapchat filter is pretty popular in the art room TMS202art

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