It’s my 2Y twitt anniversary HAHA
Here with candy dino adopt!!! 🥺🙏❤️❤️
Ab:$200 + commercial use YEYYY
I’m gonna be sharing the other GA’s design for this month bc they’re ALL SO HOT AGHHH

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Що за дивні вогники довкола? Це ж ukrayinske_radio(ig і викликають своїх чортиків на сторінки зіна😈✨

1 21

DEGEN ALERT! 🔥TOONZ bought for 1.50 ETH by HANCK18 from contact_me_on_x2y2_for_offers2

1 5

Azuki bought for 14.10 ETH (25,767.04 USD) on X2Y2

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Azuki bought for 14.80 ETH (27,015.03 USD) on X2Y2

0 0

Otherdeed#9180 bought for 26.00 ETH (47,767.72 USD) on X2Y2

0 0

Azuki bought for 189.69 ETH (342,179.90 USD) on X2Y2

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Todays Sale: 65.0 ETH
Marketplace: X2Y2

0 0

WTS T5 Koda with rare southern resource ( Entradium) on mayc land. Selling for 19E OTC/X2y2 private sale. Also willing to trade for Floor Koda +ETH or other yuga assets.

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