Prompt 4 & 5 - Adolescence & Popculture (It just clicked I can put these together). Alright caught back up!

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Prompt 2: Hobbies! Yup. I sure do have hobbies.

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Some people on the art server I'm on were saying they were gonna try this so I"m hopping on this boat too to see how long I can stay afloat. Prompt 1: Childhood - Hopefully it's legible

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I never know what to say when people ask me what my Hobbies are

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Each panel is a separate memory from a place I lived in when I was young. Drawing on the walls, my hamster that always got stuck under chairs in his ball, having my first sleepover and pulling my first all nighter, and the abandoned car seat we played in.

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I will try to do a rushed comic everyday sort of to complete this challenge, just not to loose practice. And basically since after Drawtober I have barely drawn in November.
I still remember my grandfather and the gummies that he bought for me. My favorites.

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