something something dad
something something gay bowser


10 22

crash is here to say you got this, mate!


3 11

a sketch of 's character; thanks for letting me draw your character!


1 9

two housemates on a leafy pile of a bed


2 3

prayer circle for koala kong's tank top
barely keeping together because of that tig ol biddies of his


1 4

more bear teef (ft. my big bear boi, emile)


0 1

emile makes a bold move by upping his caffeine intake
(on a side note, please do NOT try this at home)


1 2

bizzard the wizard has a sinister plot
(there's a reason this exists--you'll see once it's all finished)


1 2

it's that time of the morning. do not disturb the bear until he has his coffee


0 2

the best part of waking up is downing a lot of mugs of coffee--just ask emile


2 4

it's time for biblically accurate axolotls


1 4

bizzard the wizard harnesses the power of drumstep!
(inspired by a track featuring and which slaps to hell and back--you both did a number on this one and it's so good)


6 12

the ninth cyborg
(I really gotta get around to binging this series again)


2 9

boe is on watermelon delivery duty
(there's a fic behind this; am still writing it out though


0 2

an eco-friendly valentines for everyone~


3 6

that stuffed bear you recently bought isn't quite as cuddly as you think it is


1 2

here's another pokemon who'll wanna fight you


0 2

mr peabody and sherman was so overlooked when it came out
(the new series isn't too shabby either)


0 1