One last stop in Madagascar before departure, Shambu encounters the aye-aye, a long-fingered lemur with rodent-like teeth that never stop growing! The aye-aye is the world's largest nocturnal primate and can only be found in Madagascar.

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We're looking forward to a toasty summer!

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Did you know that if you sneeze into your elbow instead of your hand, the possibilities of germs spreading is drastically reduced? So next time, make sure you aim for the elbow!

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Be it a house, club or a restaurant, Suppandi is the life of every party!

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We know that Suppandi has won our hearts several times. But winning an actual award?! What do you think his employer says?
Tell us in the comments section below.

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Stale bread? Run some water through it and throw it in the oven and it'll be nice and fluffy ten minutes later! Mo's the best, isn't she? Do you have a Mo in your life? Tag them here!

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You know what they say, mo' money, mo' problems. What do you think is going through the piggy bank's head? Tell us in the comments section below!

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Every workplace needs a hardworking employee like Suppandi, for entertainment at least.

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Shambu has some time between his jungle adventures and would love to answer some of your questions. Ask away in the comments section below!

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Stop scrolling! See this picture and smile. Alright, now you can resume your scrolling.

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A lot of great works of art have been created in prison!

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