🖌️ PaintSwap
🧾 Collection: Magicats

💰 Sold: 4249.000 FTM @ $0.198


0 1

🔥Itsuki bought for 0.06 ETH by RawGalleryNFT from sleeplessssss https://t.co/3ufzWY2gQZ

3 8

Froggy Friend bought for 0.07 ETH (76.85 USD) by max2eth-frogs from 0x87104d https://t.co/FxzgkuYYp2

0 5

Froggy Friend bought for 0.07 ETH (227.20 USD) by 0x87104d from etherdaws https://t.co/ZP4qhQf3wg

2 7

sold for 1.2E. Probably nothing. 🤔

4 40

Day 4249 of waiting for male enchanter like Janna or Karma...


Like don’t be shy, just giving you big money ideas Riot...

11 86

1位(RT1084/Fav4439):https://t.co/ycyWi6xqnG (ebihurya332)
2位(RT1181/Fav4249):https://t.co/wqF4dEor8K (odawarahakone)
3位(RT188/Fav629):https://t.co/U2PBBIibcl (ruohire9)
4位(RT188/Fav567):https://t.co/nVtTIFG4fd (aki0107_inica)

0 0


7737 4249 7876

3 3

フリーランスの諜報員、ルビー・チューズデイ。彼女に与えられた任務は、裏切り者の暗殺だった! 本格スパイ・冒険小説。『悪魔を憐れむ女』 https://t.co/uR5UughQaR

1 1