5位(RT138/Fav482):https://t.co/EipfjRPXsj (ferretsan7)
6位(RT138/Fav478):https://t.co/lbcGosdBSC (zarusyu)
7位(RT156/Fav453):https://t.co/XTb96ZoS0l (shamom0_)
8位(RT134/Fav473):https://t.co/GaEWa4kIDt (siroimakeinu831)

0 0

Azuki sold for 32 ETH ($37,453)

Floor Price: 10.75


0 2

5位(RT177/Fav465):https://t.co/7xfkfPCzgo (GAKKY10227316)
6位(RT138/Fav465):https://t.co/EVd1xHhCZE (MonteMasa)
7位(RT149/Fav453):https://t.co/JzubTE8lJI (aki0107_inica)
8位(RT121/Fav369):https://t.co/LVVPni9Xc6 (9610_illust)

0 0

Attila the Hun (c.406-453)
Nicknamed "The Scourage of God", was the ruler of the Huns from 434 until his death. Leading a confederation of several "barbarian" tribes against the Western and Eastern Roman Empires, creating an empire of his own stretching from Germany to Crimea

27 202

9位(RT158/Fav456):https://t.co/bmknC3zrTY (GAKKY10227316)
10位(RT155/Fav453):https://t.co/UZlbA5v9m6 (sala_nora)
11位(RT126/Fav393):https://t.co/Z6xU1OoBuC (0toumaguro)
12位(RT131/Fav353):https://t.co/pv6BjZ9tIq (momiemon103)

0 0

novelAIにて表情の研究 その11(その他気になる項目)
1枚目 drunk 酔っ払い、お酒に酔った顔 (シード値2267738705)
2枚目 guilt 罪悪感 (シード値2039582984)
3枚目 worried 心配する (シード値3389902453)
4枚目 crazy smile 病んだ笑顔 (シード値1851019573)

1 17

novelAIにて表情の研究 その9(制御できていない感情)
1枚目 panicking パニック、慌てる (シード値2011088453)
2枚目 screaming 絶叫 叫ぶ (シード値3897860300)
3枚目 despair 絶望 (シード値3773901414)
4枚目 depressed うつ (シード値346279540)

15 60

9位(RT127/Fav453):https://t.co/ciAQMesppQ (siroimakeinu831)
10位(RT92/Fav304):https://t.co/Ss3LTjtQxt (day_l_full)
11位(RT100/Fav294):https://t.co/nf5e46cnQk (PepaTiku)
12位(RT59/Fav269):https://t.co/OAT7TnBTnX (zarusyu)

0 0

図鑑 No.253 (id:453)
夕雲型 3番艦
駆逐艦 風雲
改造後:No.253b 風雲改

1 2

First amongst enquiries was Rome. Depictions from coins were combined with descriptions and drawings of classical ruins, one of the earliest to do this was Cyriacus of Ancona (1391-1453), Father of Archaeology. His travels across Greece, Italy & the Ottoman Empire were invaluable

0 32

Alright it's time…for holders only! Enter to win this (#3453) by:
1. commenting w/ a pic of a that you're holding
That's it! Each pic counts as an entry. Winner chosen in ~24hrs (prize will go to the wallet holding the selected Bored Noun)

5 12

5位(RT171/Fav588):https://t.co/jE8vbruyY5 (Luna_dial398)
6位(RT175/Fav559):https://t.co/2x87UhvpEP (kangokukoh)
7位(RT158/Fav516):https://t.co/q2UYu2blBP (siroimakeinu831)
8位(RT113/Fav453):https://t.co/MBz4Y7CGhd (doradorazz)

0 0

個人新作《輕鬆搞定》<Easy> 歡迎轉發(#453)

281 1276


9 170

9位(RT158/Fav538):https://t.co/5mJDpA8Q8U (aka_ra_xx)
10位(RT150/Fav458):https://t.co/6iSj1W1HE9 (xao_long)
11位(RT131/Fav453):https://t.co/90zTs8c5oA (kangokukoh)
12位(RT133/Fav419):https://t.co/EtxmDGdxrK (MonteMasa)

0 0

1位(RT130/Fav451):https://t.co/NTKHR7WwqJ (aki0107_inica)
2位(RT113/Fav453):https://t.co/XhwHWMGFMi (siroimakeinu831)
3位(RT112/Fav347):https://t.co/Ez5Uo7UA77 (O_W_A)
4位(RT123/Fav318):https://t.co/HLf9C4rELy (mimamui)

0 0

(453) 공녀는 총검을 든다 - 희나나
2022년 8월 9일 출간


나 자신을 지키기 위해, 살아남기 위해 총과 검을 들었다.

그녀는 자신을 얽매는 것들을 부수고, 어떻게든 원래 있던 세계로 돌아갈 작정이었다.

1 6

Constantine XI Palaiologos (1405-1453)
The last Byzantine emperor, reigning from 1449 until his death in battle at the Fall of Constantinople in 1453. His death marked the end of the Byzantine Empire.
A skilled general and administrator, serving as regent twice for his brother

45 247

1位(RT136/Fav453):https://t.co/y4u06P2Et0 (GAKKY10227316)
2位(RT106/Fav346):https://t.co/7UbYRXGJeC (aki0107_inica)
3位(RT59/Fav188):https://t.co/dFOWkRvNEZ (siroimakeinu831)
4位(RT63/Fav166):https://t.co/DhlozAOmdF (Bmagic120)

0 0