ポケモン図鑑 No.475: エルレイド

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Fact Here is fan art of Kiddy Kong saving Jesus from Hitler that I found on 's forums. Some of the best go*monkey noises*mn fanart I've ever seen in my life. Thanks Waddle Dedede on DKVine forums. https://t.co/nEe4ZoXpWe

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1475: a Caprese nasce Michelangelo.
Una personalità immensa capace di contenerne molte, mi piace pensare così. Un caratteraccio capace però di suscitare incondizionata ammirazione,per secoli. Un'anima sola, dolente, tormentata, che forse vedeva in chiunque un avversario e

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表紙:あさぎ かな様
絵:蒼糸aoito様 https://t.co/skIGQMSvMA

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Longbox Heroes Episode 475:Frankenstein Shuffle https://t.co/qEWC5ZXx1H

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Gallade "The Blade Pokémon"
Gardevoir "The Embrace Pokémon"

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March 6, 1475: Italian painter, sculptor and architect Michelangelo was born in Caprese, Tuscany.

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Twitter Basic Package Only £475: 6 Months Tweeting & Targeted Database https://t.co/cDe6w6LUKB

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