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Today, Anno Domini 1274, Blessed Hroznata, a Czech nobleman, participant in two crusades (albeit unsuccessful), the founder of the Premonstratensian monasteries in Teplá (male) and Chotěšov (female), died. Vita fratris Hroznatae, 1517, Bohemia (National Library CZ Teplá MS b 4)
➤ 3ª Estación: Jesús cae, por primera vez, bajo el peso de la cruz
➤ “Caída en el camino del Calvario”. Rafael, 1515-1517, @museodelprado
➤ La Virgen María se encontró con su hijo Jesús en el camino hacia el Calvario, sufriendo un desmayo o "espasmo de agonía
Trying to ignore your hangover at family lunch
('Robert Jannys (c. 1480-1530), Mayor of Norwich 1517, 1524', artist unknown.)
Here it is! Our very first Street Fighter collaboration with Bibisama!
Available at Anime Expo booth 2330+2331, 4516+4517, 816+817. And will be available online shortly after!
The art is done by artist @jamesghio
This week's #ArtWordWednesday word is
hatching + crosshatching: hatching is a set of parallel lines that suggest shading +shape. Crosshatching is when these lines overlap each other perpendicularly.
IMAGE: D. Campagnola, The Beheading of St. Catherine, 1517, Levy Bequest Purchase
【D517,518 針金鳥】
#デザフェス @designfesta
【D517,518 針金鳥】
On this day in 1517, Martin Luther posts the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation.
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I married 1,517,677,212,635 Husbands!
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iOS: https://t.co/EwtANi9kI5
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On this day in 1517, Martin Luther posts the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation.
I married54,517,786,772Wives!
iOS: http://t.co/a9y46rXdbv
Android: http://t.co/F9ZPgdDZSx
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自分、勇者なんで…モンスターを倒して、1秒間に『12,517,008.0G』のお金を稼いでます!【無料ゲーム】さすがは勇者様です #さすゆう http://t.co/EJeCTvsyG3