Died (alas!) on this day in 1593, in Milan, Giuseppe Arcimboldo. Started as portrait painter. Went in other directions. Here drawn by himself.

31 138

Born 13 April 1593, controversial English politician and administrator Thomas Wentworth (right).

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1월 28일 WHO에 보고된 내용(단위 : 명)
확진환자 총 4593, 사망 106, 확산국가 14개국
중국 4537, 일본 6, 한국 4, 베트남 2, 싱가포르 7, 오스트레일리아 5,말레이시아 4, 캄보디아 1, 태국 14, 네팔 1, 스리랑카 1, 미국 5, 캐나다 2, 프랑스 3, 독일 1

43 22

It is supposed that to ensure a successful campaign, it needs to get to 30% the first 24 hours. We're at $1593, right in the middle! Wanna help me to get to 3000 before time runs up? https://t.co/0xbOfB73vz

44 105

Drawing of the battle of Ballyshannon, 17 October 1593, drawn by John Thomas. Discarded bagpipes at centre! Cotton Augustus I.ii. 38 https://t.co/IlBMZpG7Uh

41 91

Abduction of Europa, 1615-16, Jacob Jordaens (19 May 1593, Antwerp – 18 October 1678, Antwerp), Gemäldegalerie Berlin

7 6

《 鳩鵪漫畫 》593,Where tigers keep their loots。西纠王孔大爷告诉你大老虎的赃款藏在那里。

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