In Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes 232 (7/21/1977) An assasin ruins Brainy's (probably non-existant) Klordny plans.

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In Superboy & the Legion of Super-Heroes 231 (6/21/1977) Brainy investigates solar flares, fights the Emerald Empress, evacuates a planet. . . but most importantly... makes an educated guess

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In Superboy and The Legion of Super-Heroes 230 (5/19/1977) Brainy has to figure out how to stop an inexplicable earthquage and volcano only to have to deal with this guy Sden who tried and failed to trick them into giving him a powerful magic gem

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In DC Special 28 (3/10/1977) the power goes out in 30th century Metropolis and the whole city risks being turned to glass in a massive explosion unless Brainy's plan for Chemical King and Phantom Girl works out.

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So how do they defeat Stargrave? While he is giving his super long boring speach Superboy and Wildfire show up and punch him into Colu's sun (nobody seems to think this killed him but neither are they going to retreive him)🤷 Don't worry though.. he'll be back

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Stargrave: No doubt, you have analyzed my motives-- and understand why I've come here!
Brainy: I have and I do!
Stargrave: Allow me to explain for you!

Great great great grandpa is not a very good listener.

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Brainy deduces that Pulsar Stargrave is hiding out in the museum remembering the Computer Tyrants of Colu. He is right of course but Quicksand is there waiting for them.

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Brainy fills Garth and Imra in on the story of Brainiac (mostly for the readers) but adds that he was telling the truth about being revived by aliens which is not really of much importance going forward. Then he announces he has a plan.

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Brainy realises his imposter is and android. One so sophisticated it could trick even Saturn Girl's telepathy. Lightning Lad gives it a small jolt that short circuits it. I do feel that destroying an android that can fool a telepath is on shakey ethical ground

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"--And finally, the most devastating attack of all-- on Brainiac-5's soul! It was this attack which revealed the true identity of Stargrave..."

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The Legion figures out that the attacker is not Brainy because apparently he doesn't need a space helmet? I could go & pull panels of Brainy wearing space helmets but this 1x I am going to let it slide and point out Lightning Lad was miscolored as Brainy 4x

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Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes 227 (2/17/1977) starts with the team hunting down a seemingly maniacal Brainiac 5.of course this is incongrous with the end of last issue but if you skipped 226 you might have been fooled 🤷

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The stone reveals to Brainy that the man he thinks is his dead father is in fact the original Brainiac 😱 Brainy immediately abandons his quest & goes to seek out Brainiac & kill him. The team rushes to stop him because they don't want him expelled

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"For a moment I stood there transfixed by the image of myself twisted by an insane mirror... Then I heard his evil laugh, and somehow, deep wthin me, I new!" ~Brainy

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"Whereas I have learned from Val Armorr- Master of all martial arts!" ~Brainy
Brainy faces a series of increasingly complex magical defenses.

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We hear Brainy's PoV on Stargrave's revelation he is Brainy's fater transformed and we get the idea that Brainy is not as keen on helping him as we had thought.

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After the meeting Stargrave contacts Brainy and we learn Stargrave has a special mission for Querl. Brainy also appears to beleive Stargrave is his long deceased father, a fact a snooping Superboy overhears.

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When the team returs to their base Brainy reveals Stargrave's plans an advises the team to help him in his battle. The team is shocked but listen and agree to Brainy's plan.

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Pulsar Stargrave weaves a story for Brainy of a scientist much like himself who met a disaster and Brainy reveals he remembers his face and that day! 😱

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Stargrave tosses the other legionnaires aside with the flick of his wrist and turns his focus on Brainy

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