12 Mar 1637: b. Anne Hyde future 1st wife of James, Duke of - they married in secret in Sept 1660.

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Born in 1637: (1637-1708), Princess & Regent of Anhalt-Dessau, daughter of Stadtholder Prince of Orange

Portrait by Gerard van (1592-1656), ca. 1650-60

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Born in 1637: (1637-1708), Princess & Regent of Anhalt-Dessau, daughter of Stadtholder Prince of Orange

Portrait by Johannes (1614-70), ca. 1655-65

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Born in 1637: (1637-1708), Princess & Regent of Anhalt-Dessau, daughter of Stadtholder Prince of Orange

Portrait with sister by Gerard van (1592-1656), ca. 1650

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If you needed a reason to email us, we give you plenty this week.

We also have impressions of DQXI S, Daemon X Machina, and Vice: Project Doom.

Lastly, we answer questions about breaking games and morality.

It's Episode 637: Reach Out and Shave Someone


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Pic#1637: ' Its not who you were .. Its who you are ..

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