Cartoon 78/365, year 3. Another card draft done! 😁 moving forward I’m going to post all my dailies in my IG stories each day, and then post all 7 from the week on my IG feed. I’ll post here when I make something I’m particularly excited about :)

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미웼 66
How to use a returner ep 66 at Tapas

65,66화는 항상 이쁜 작화 중에서도 탑. 다 베스트컷.
파란홍보영상 자막, 정직한 고딕이라 구별잘되고 레트로 느낌 제대로.
어쩔티비? 는 “jealous much”로 바뀜
Best 2 고르기 참 어려웠음
첫째컷 기영이 보고 콜한 김미영팀장님 이해감
그후 튀는 씬

1 15

تصويري لثلاثية الأسد مع ذيل مجرة NGC3628🌀🦁

عبارة عن مجموعة صغيرة من المجرات تقع في كوكبة الأسد. تتألف مجموعة المجرات هذه من ثلاث مجرات حلزونية (M65, M66, NGC3628). تقع قرب هذه المجموعة مجموعة مجرات M96، تبعد المجرات ما بين 22 ل 36 مليون سنة ضوئية. مجرة NGC3628 لديها ذيل يمتد…

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Maria Slavona (14 March 1865, Lübeck - 10 May 1931, Berlin) was a German impressionist painter.

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Cartoon 68/365, year 3. Adjective: Spikey 😎

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Cartoon 67/365, year 3. Another card backing draft. Dancing big foot for “action”

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Cartoon 64/365, year 3. OOOPSIE! Tried to make a “joyful” character for the “emotion” deck in our card game, but this girl turned out CREEPY lol. Tim said “maybe a little less chuckie” 😂 shall try again tomorrow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Cartoon 64/365, year 3. EEEEP! Tim and I lost momentum on our game for a few weeks but we got it back and finalized the game play 🤩 now redoing all of the art. Here is the back of one of the decks. This is actually Tim’s character - his name is bloop 😂

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Cartoon 62/365, year 3. Another “minor differences” inspired by Can you tell I’ve been watching The Last of Us?

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私のTwitterの価値は : ¥65,112.77であなたのものを見つける

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Cartoon 61/365, year 3. has these hilarious “minor differences” comics and I love them. It was also a really great prompt for my own creativity so I tried it out myself :)) 😈😈

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Cartoon 60/365, year 3. Kimura’s lost her creative spark! How do we help her get it back ????

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There's an edition of Mere Seconds for 0.065, only 1 out of 161 (free) editions listed👀

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065,066,067번 딥씨클 개체가 발견되었습니다, 감사합니다!
067번은 디자인권을 사용한 개체입니다

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Cartoon 59/365, year 3. Honestly not sure where I’m going w/ these but i like making them lol. Are they just aggressively not funny ? Is that my goal ? Not sure!

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Cartoon 58/365, year 3. Asked chat GPT to explain what black holes are (in a funny way), then drew the result (couldn’t fit the invisibility cloak into this one though lol). Swipe to see the description it gave me!

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If you’re interested in an actually groundbreaking animation endeavor, I heartily suggest Loving Vincent.

First filmed live-action and then having every one of the 65,000 frames hand painted by more than 100 artists it is a testament to team’s dedication & love for their craft.

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Cartoon 57/365, year 3. Firefighter.

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ほむタピメモリアル 65,66 子供の頃→成長。

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