Born in 1653: (1653-76), Holy Roman Empress as spouse of Emperor

Portrait by (1616-86), 1672

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💿Ostinato (Hespèrion XXI, Jordi Savall)
🎼Diego Ortiz(c.1510-1570)
🎼Salomone Rossi(c.1570-c.1630)
🎼Henry Purcell(1659-1695)
🎼Johann Pachelbel(1653-1706) ecc...
🎨Franz Richard Unterberger (Dance at Sunset)

24 40

Born in 1653: Prince and Norway, Duke of Cumberland (1653-1708), son of husband of of Great-Britain

Portrait by (1646-1723), ca. 1704

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本社 (データ処理・顧客対応 / 製造)
〒653-0037 兵庫県神戸市長田区大橋町1-2-11

プリコ六甲道店 (販売)
〒657-0027 兵庫県神戸市灘区永手町4-1-1

須磨パティオ店 (販売)
〒654-0154 兵庫県神戸市須磨区中落合1-2-1

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[I TL 2653-1 Zwei gegen Spectaculus]

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Aelbert Cuyp, detail; “River Landscape with Riders” (c.1653-1657)

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Interesting fountain Maria van Reigersberg (1628-73) w. son Willem van Liere (1653-1706) and daughter Jacoba van Liere (1652-1693) by Adriaen Hanneman (1604-71), c. 1663, coll.

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1623年9月24日 ヨリス・ファン・ソンがアントウェルペンで洗礼を受ける。

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