A few days in one post today. The full stream cast as doctors and can all be seen on her streams here https://t.co/wxgKsXLmhE (live right now). Day 654, 655, and 656 of my

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Rembrandt’s beloved son Titus was born in 1641 but Saskia died in 1642. Titus would look after his dad & rescue him from his spendthrift ways. Titus (1655, 1656 & 1657) & Saskia (1635)

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Winter: Fun on the Ice, c. 1655, by (Dutch, 1633-1690), who according to was baptized (Dec 13). Held at the , https://t.co/PEtnnLOjrq

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| KUROTSUKI with 7,655,957,369 VOTES (100%)

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hi dee! thanks for this thread!
I currently got 655, last count~

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Muse with Lute, 1594, Tintoretto
Follower Eustache Le Sueur, 1617-1655, Sybil

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Padova e i suoi personaggi illustri
Bartolomeo Cristofori
Padovano, fu l’inventore del pianoforte.
Nato in città il 4 maggio 1655, cembalaro, organaro e liutaio, fu uno dei più famosi costruttori di clavicembali del suo tempo.

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Want to explore more? This specimen, # UF 155655, has been digitized for research and can be found on for zooming and twirling in 3D space: https://t.co/cscBgxhhSu
🐍 Or you can download the 3D files of body and/or skull. Look at these teeth!

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El 25 de marzo de 1655, el astrónomo neerlandés Christiaan Huygens descubre Titán, el satélite más grande de Saturno, con un telescopio diseñado por el mismo. Tiene 5,150 km de diámetro y es el único cuerpo celeste del sistema solar con una densa atmósfera rica en nitrógeno.

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Youth: boys swimming near a windmill in 1655, painted by Nicolas Maes, whose day is today.

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Eustache Le Sueur, né à Paris le 19 novembre 1616 et mort à Paris le 30 avril 1655, Les Muses Melpomène, Érato et Polymnie (vers 1652-1655), Paris, musée du Louvre.

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It was in 1655, the Dutch mathematician & scientist Christiaan Huygens, discovered Saturn's largest moon, Titan https://t.co/nauv8cm4cD

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Border update! Good luck to any last-chance scouters!

T1: 3,655,742
T2: 2,938,602
T3: 2,012,088
T4: 1,581,370
T5: 1,366,484

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