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A few days in one post today. The full @SkunkyDesigns stream cast as doctors and can all be seen on her streams here https://t.co/wxgKsXLmhE (live right now). Day 654, 655, and 656 of my #hourartsketchbook
Rembrandt’s beloved son Titus was born in 1641 but Saskia died in 1642. Titus would look after his dad & rescue him from his spendthrift ways. Titus (1655, 1656 & 1657) & Saskia (1635)
Winter: Fun on the Ice, c. 1655, by #GesinaTerBorch (Dutch, 1633-1690), who according to @rkdnl was baptized #otd (Dec 13). Held at the @rijksmuseum, https://t.co/PEtnnLOjrq #womensart #artherstory
#1 | KUROTSUKI with 7,655,957,369 VOTES (100%)
@DeePeeArts hi dee! thanks for this thread!
I currently got 655, last count~
Muse with Lute, 1594, Tintoretto
Follower Eustache Le Sueur, 1617-1655, Sybil
Padova e i suoi personaggi illustri
Bartolomeo Cristofori
Padovano, fu l’inventore del pianoforte.
Nato in città il 4 maggio 1655, cembalaro, organaro e liutaio, fu uno dei più famosi costruttori di clavicembali del suo tempo.
Want to explore more? This specimen, # UF 155655, has been digitized for research and can be found on @MorphoSource for zooming and twirling in 3D space: https://t.co/cscBgxhhSu
🐍 Or you can download the 3D files of body and/or skull. Look at these teeth!
El 25 de marzo de 1655, el astrónomo neerlandés Christiaan Huygens descubre Titán, el satélite más grande de Saturno, con un telescopio diseñado por el mismo. Tiene 5,150 km de diámetro y es el único cuerpo celeste del sistema solar con una densa atmósfera rica en nitrógeno.
Youth: boys swimming near a windmill in 1655, painted by Nicolas Maes, whose day is today.
Eustache Le Sueur, né à Paris le 19 novembre 1616 et mort à Paris le 30 avril 1655, Les Muses Melpomène, Érato et Polymnie (vers 1652-1655), Paris, musée du Louvre. #DonneInArte
It was #onthisday in 1655, the Dutch mathematician & scientist Christiaan Huygens, discovered Saturn's largest moon, Titan https://t.co/nauv8cm4cD
Border update! Good luck to any last-chance scouters!
T1: 3,655,742
T2: 2,938,602
T3: 2,012,088
T4: 1,581,370
T5: 1,366,484
I married 62,241,655,539,972
Android: https://t.co/mNk5VbLCCQ