Dapper Dino bought for 0.31Ξ ($1170.30) https://t.co/MNXCX4snXR

3 26

NGC6888 Crescent nebula in Cignius by Rocco Sung.

136 1225

Pixel Doge 月の夢 (Dream of the Moon) was purchased for 1.6888 $ETH ($5,081.6 USD) by https://t.co/mslsBngTsm from https://t.co/Vlpxh3Zh20

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NGC 6888, The Crescent in HOO with RGB stars

53 320

Este pintoresco paisaje es la región central de la constelación del Cisne. Arriba a la izquierda está la estrella Sadr, una supergigante azul. Abajo, en la derecha, la nebulosa NGC 6888. Están a diferentes distancias de la Tierra. Crédito: Robert Gendler, DSS, BYU

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The Crescent Nebula... aka a BRAIN in SPACE.

This image includes roughly 7 hours of total exposure time from my backyard in the city.

NGC 6888 includes a dynamic mix of hydrogen and oxygen gas and is located in the constellation Cygnus.

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I have reworked my picture of (Cresent Nebula) to bring out the blue OIII part of the nebula. So I like it now much better. The pictures were captured in early August using the L-eXtreme filter.


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Crescent Nebula, NGC6888

TS Photoline 72/432 flattened 1x
HEQ5, ASI 294 mc procLRGB, HA, Oiii
Drive with Artesky 60/240 and ASI 224 mc

APT, PHD2, Synscan app

Copyright: Valerio Avitabilex


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Increíble paisaje de nuestra galaxia, en el Cisne, a 750 AL. Arriba, una gigante azul. Debajo, la nebulosa NGC 6888

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