5位(RT19/Fav52):https://t.co/1mUtCj498w (mikankei3)
6位(RT15/Fav41):https://t.co/Hdbqk413PW (KHK1521)
7位(RT14/Fav24):https://t.co/CfWR4h4DrR (yamadanti62)
8位(RT9/Fav28):https://t.co/k9sLQwnXjc (AR6E3f6Ti701NBl)

0 0

unique artistic vision makes art memorable.

Tears of a giant by

reserve: 0.6E

11 64

5位(RT30/Fav71):https://t.co/WJRC0SEMHC (MironA33)
6位(RT27/Fav72):https://t.co/HPL6FX9AWY (faraway_716_p)
7位(RT22/Fav57):https://t.co/Jz5OP7xKuY (AR6E3f6Ti701NBl)
8位(RT21/Fav46):https://t.co/Px4xqN2gpJ (mikankei3)

0 0

DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.37 ETH by Check_bio_save_money from 0x054a6e https://t.co/BpIHQl0kWh

0 0

DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.37 ETH by 0x054a6e from Blur_cheap_price https://t.co/BpIHQl0kWh

0 0

Tears of a giant by
reserve 0.6E

5 16

9位(RT9/Fav32):https://t.co/t1RDVxNswT (AR6E3f6Ti701NBl)
10位(RT9/Fav14):https://t.co/0XKea5Evgi (ruohire9)
11位(RT7/Fav14):https://t.co/gJHZUv2rnh (frag_0416)
12位(RT4/Fav14):https://t.co/LyXIt9sXxc (kankoreoeaki1)

0 0

DEGEN ALERT! DETONATED TOONZ bought for 0.06 ETH by kyelnft from 0x6e311f https://t.co/wt3o158UBL

0 0

Beth: Why would you bring that thing into our house?
Rick: It was cute!

18 87

Doodle Dooplication rights sold for 0.04 ETH ($ 69.87)!

Then doop'd with Common Dooplicator
Congrats 0xE6e!

🔍 https://t.co/u8xX5gQ8tS
💻 https://t.co/qiPAF6dxtn
🌈 https://t.co/mdEgsSpUVc

0 0


0 1

5位(RT36/Fav104):https://t.co/eLTw6xX4Sv (comicand_com)
6位(RT36/Fav74):https://t.co/3rVgzST2BN (tonke2015)
7位(RT22/Fav47):https://t.co/LHK9Qcb9C9 (NACHA305)
8位(RT13/Fav52):https://t.co/btiyz9lwpy (AR6E3f6Ti701NBl)

0 0

This will always be my favorite ape and one I’ll never sell

I still remember the feeling of shopping for apes and realizing only one DMT ape had a lab coat in the whole collection, which blew my mind because what a cool combo

So I bought it for 0.6E and never looked back

5 297

DEGEN ALERT! DETONATED TOONZ bought for 0.05 ETH by 0x37046b from 0x6e311f https://t.co/8p8BQrydNb

0 0

Hey SouSou Fam! We just Burnt🔥 1 Million Thunder ⚡️ We thank the ⚡ community for helping us mint out, Let's Cro.... 0xedf95fb87ccf3f518914f5c6e40a90c3d34b7ac6ce9c060ebf41f2ce9845a512

8 12

9位(RT14/Fav44):https://t.co/PCeAhVSINc (AR6E3f6Ti701NBl)
10位(RT11/Fav42):https://t.co/IdmmW2K7pw (marg0613)
11位(RT13/Fav33):https://t.co/yNnkkfSK3j (wyi_wo__thbe)
12位(RT11/Fav25):https://t.co/5Y4EyaAJVb (yamadanti62)

0 0

Doodle was just Dooplicated!

0xE6e used Common Dooplicator

🔍 https://t.co/ZoPWt0Vu7O
💻 https://t.co/qiPAF6dxtn
🌈 https://t.co/1wJxNNMaPX

0 0

9位(RT8/Fav29):https://t.co/zFosQf0n7x (AR6E3f6Ti701NBl)
10位(RT9/Fav26):https://t.co/0ZAHyaff31 (senobeya)
11位(RT8/Fav23):https://t.co/tvxV85zbDH (WAItype_PartA)
12位(RT8/Fav16):https://t.co/xUAb5ebyxN (marg0613)

0 0

Doodle was bought for 3.50Ξ (~$5,751.71) by 0xe6e...12fd https://t.co/RZblBzmmas

0 0

As you may recall certain events were promised at Reveal :
One gift for top-Holders. Moto-rider, limited edition of 6

10 cats
0x47e 5 cats
4 cats
Andreas van Pk 3 cats
0x6e5 3 cats
0x600C 3 cats

Congratulations. Check your hidden in 30 minutes.

6 19