18 Mar 1768: d. Laurence Sterne, author of Tristam Shandy inter alia (NPG) A maddening, wonderful surreality of a book...

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Born in 1768: Holy Roman Emperor / Emperor of Austria (1768-1835)

Portrait by (1803-87), 1834

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28 janvier 814:  Mort de Charlemagne. Dynastie carolingienne.
768: roi des Francs.
774: roi des Lombards.
800: couronné empereur à Rome par le pape Léon III.
➡️J. Favier, Charlemagne.
➡️Emperor of the World. Charlemagne and the construction of imperial authority, 800-1229.

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1768: Birth in of Melesina Trench (née Chenevix). Writer, poet & diarist. Known for her beauty in life. Travelled Germany esp with cream of European society after 1st husband died. One of her sons published her diaries posthumously & her work received notice.

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For more about THE GIRL FROM FARRIS'S, see 0761: https://t.co/uEH7USYSpO.
For more about THE EFFICIENCY EXPERT, see 0768: https://t.co/7wNC6OkuN2.

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1768: James Cook sets sail from England, ready to explore new horizons. Aboard, talented artist Sydney Parkinson.

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