LIBERTAD IGUALDAD FRATERNIDAD Olympe de gouges; activista, filósofa de la revolución francesa, apoyó la abolición de la esclavitud y luchó por el derecho de la mujer, en noviembre del 1793, fue ejecutada en la guillotina, por apoyar a un partido federalista

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Nicolas-Jean-Baptiste Raguenet, 1715 – 1793, French painter, The Archbishop's Palace, seen from the left bank

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The Shepherd's Dream, from 'Paradise Lost', 1793, Henry Fuseli

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On this day in 1793, Marie Anne Charlotte de Corday d’Armont stabbed Marat to death in his bath. 'I have killed one man to save a hundred thousand' she declared at her trial. She was guillotined on 17th July 1793.

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Le 21 novembre 1793, devant le Club des jacobins, Robespierre a entamé sa croisade contre l’athéisme, à ses yeux « aristocratique », qu’il opposait à ce « grand Être qui veille sur l’innocence opprimée » et «toute populaire ».

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8 December 1793, Jeanne Bécu, Comtesse du Barry, who was the last mistress of Louis XV, is executed by guillotine on the Place de la Révolution for financially assisting people who fled abroad during the French Revolution.

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On the 16th of October 1793, Queen Marie Antoinette (#Habsburg, was executed.

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Pierre Bulliard (Nov 24, 1742 - Sept 26, 1793, French botanist)
‘ Histoire des Champignons de la France ‘ (1791)

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Le 31 juillet 1793, la frégate française l'Embuscade (capitaine Jean-Baptiste-François Bompard) combat la frégate anglaise HMS Boston (capitaine George Courtenay) au large de New-York. Par Théodore Gudin.

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in 1793, the HMS Mississauga prepared to sail for present-day Toronto, where John Graves Simcoe would soon envision a future fort and settlement named York.

His wife Elizabeth detailed the journey in her diary.

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On this day in 1793, Marie Anne Charlotte de Corday d’Armont stabbed Marat to death in his bath. 'I have killed one man to save a hundred thousand' she declared at her trial. She was guillotined on 17th July 1793.

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Théroigne de and Charlotte The Political Activist and the Actress - Théroigne de Méricourt was a political activist during the In 1793, she composed a series of placards that called for ...

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1 - mexicanwilddog (7,793,861,088 votes)

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and I do mean ROUND! Whether they stay in tact is up to the Zangoose (or you >w<)

Artists: @/Thicc_Geo, @/Bellydog793, @/rattiesteps, @/saintdraconis

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Antonio Canova, Psyché ranimée par le baiser de l’Amour, 1787-1793, Marbre, Paris, Musée du Louvre.

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Le 20 janvier 1793, Louis XVI apprend qu'il est condamné à mort.
Il demande un délai de trois jours afin de se préparer mais la requête lui est refusée.
Le roi fait ses adieux à sa famille. Il dit à son fils : « Promettez-moi de ne jamais songer à venger ma mort. »

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8 December 1793, Jeanne Bécu, Comtesse du Barry, is guillotined in Paris. She was the last mistress of Louis XV and her last words apparently were "De grâce, monsieur le bourreau, encore un petit moment!".

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16 de octubre de 1793, muere guillotinada María Antonieta de Austria, Reina de Francia y esposa de Luis XVI.

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in 1793, His Majesty’s Ship Mississauga prepared to sail for present-day Toronto, where John Graves Simcoe would envision a future fort and settlement named York.

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On this day in 1793, Charlotte Corday, assassin of Marat, was guillotined in Paris. At her own request, this portrait was painted by Jean-Jacques Hauer after she was sentenced to death and completed shortly before she left for her execution.

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