I like to paint stuff more than to draw sometimes, I usually go 8 or 80; from very detailed and angery to messy, to cute, to soft. I'm vastly more comfortable with the first option!

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Mars colony by Adam Bujorian; Mars colony by racerx11080; Mars colony by Niconoff; and Mars Artists Community: Bryan Versteeg. Interesting note, the overwhelming majority of is male originated.

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float noisy=0;float offset=0;float size=0.04;void setup(){size(280,100);}void draw(){int i=0;for(int x=0;x<280;x+=10){for(int y=0;y<100;y+=10){noisy=map(noise(x*size+offset,y*size+offset),0,1,-2,2);int flag=(i%2);fill(255*flag);rect(x+noisy,y+noisy,10,10);i++;}i++;}offset+=0.05;}

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Incomplete astrolabe (fake rete) by Muhammad Sharif ibn Muhammad, Kirmn, India, c.1780; 35 star markers https://t.co/R5UQvfxNzd

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