Nov. 29, 1890: History is moving briskly just now! First, Parnell’s disgrace as co-respondent in a divorce suit. Then Gladstone’s letter, calling on him to resign the leadership of the “Home Rule” party. And this morning Parnell’s Manifesto to the Irish People, revealing (1/2)

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Nov. 10, 1890: Skeffington, on his way to Guildford, with his little “Irene” (whom I had never seen) came to luncheon, to which I asked Stuart Collingwood, to meet him.

[Dodgson’s portrait of his brother, Skeffington, below]

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1. 1774-1783: Ethnolinguistic Map of the Greater
2. 1801-1829: Russia's Acquisition of Transcaucasia and the War in the Greater Caucasus.
3. 1829-1839: Administrative Makeup of the Early Russian Caucasus.
4. 1886-1890: An Ethnolinguistic Map of the Caucasus.

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Mar. 7, 1890: Received from Mr. E. Evans a finished set of the sheets of Nursery “Alice”. It is a great success.

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Nov. 10, 1890: Skeffington, on his way to Guildford, with his little “Irene” (whom I had never seen) came to luncheon, to which I asked Stuart Collingwood, to meet him.

[Carroll’s portrait of his brother, Skeffington, below]

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Native American population in 1890: 250,000

Today: 5 million+

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