Gridman 1993: Don't be an anti-social stalker who spends most of their time on a computer

SSSS.Gridman: Don't be an anti-social otaku trapped in their own fantasy

SSSS.Dynazenon: Don't be a liar, truant or NEET who's stuck in the past

Gridman Universe: Get a girl/boyfriend lol

157 534

1日1ポケ 0293:ゴニョニョ

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No 93: Die Monster dieser Woche erkunden den Weltraum. 🚀

Sternzeit 88070,04. Gerade jetzt erinnert sich Kurt daran, dass er vor dem Raumspaziergang das Halteseil hätte einklinken sollen …

4 25

by No 93: Exploring Space

Seriathrax loved floating in the cold, quiet, expanses of space. He did wish that he would find some other space dragons, though. Perhaps he'll cross paths with Paul and his spaceship sometime.

7 25

No 93: Exploring Space

Space, the final frontier …
… to boldly go where no keg has been taken before (Paul & Haike) 🖖🏻

3 22

Day 93: goodbye sengen 2D MV!! (1/2)

28 123

Post Lunasa Prismriver by 春若のろし

Artist's pixiv:

2 10

By: Davilos, Emboarger

7 12


8 39

'NGC 7293: The Helix Nebula' image from the

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NASA Picture of the Day: NGC 7293: The Helix Nebula

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