28/4/1938: “...sense excusa de cap mena, el proper dia 30 presenteu-vos a la caserna de Girona i porteu un equip de manta, sabates, plat i cobert, tot en bon ús". Ruixat d'aigua freda per a algunes famílies de .Notificació que els fills han de marxar a la guerra

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Rudolph Belarski, born in 1900, painted "Argosy Weekly" pulp covers for three of most famous series: and
January 8, 1938: "Carson of Venus"
March 19, 1938: "The Red Star of Tarzan"
January 7, 1939: "Synthetic Men of Mars"

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1938: oil on masonite, rendered in the retablo style by Frida Kahlo."Suicide of Dorothy Hale." The woman and friend of the artist left Earth from the 16th story window. A very thoughtful and lovely x-voto by F.K.

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Born in 1900, artist Rudolph Belarski painted "Argosy Weekly" pulp covers for three of most famous series: and
January 8, 1938: "Carson of Venus"
March 19, 1938: "The Red Star of Tarzan"
January 7, 1939: "Synthetic Men of Mars"

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Remember, cool kids don't sit back in ARMS 'Free for All'!

(Artist: Gonzarez1938: https://t.co/wieCvJa3IG)

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