The art of Amazing Stories, 1939-1961: Alex Schomburg, Malcolm Smith, Leo Morey, and Rod Ruth.

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in 1961: United Airlines Flight 859, a DC-8, crashes in Colorado (US) killing 17 passengers and one person on the ground. The jet experienced hydraulic problems in flight and when landing, it left the runway due to asymmetric power when applying reverse thrust for braking.

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April 12, 1961: The USSR allows the first live television broadcast from inside Russia showing Yuri Gagarin being greeted by Premier Khrushchev in Moscow. As the space age progresses alongside advances in telecommunications, news is presented to the world as never before.

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March 29, 1961: At a Soviet Academy of Science press conference about the imminent flight of a human into space, a spokesperson refutes Western reports that Russian cosmonauts had died in secret space missions. This is a “complete fabrication…entirely and absolutely unfounded.”

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March 2, 1961: As part of a special 90-minute NBC variety program, Bob Hope celebrates the 25th anniversary of LIFE magazine. Among his special guests are the nation’s seven Mercury astronauts.

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February 14, 1961: James Webb is sworn in as NASA Administrator. Filling the position proved to be a difficult assignment for the Kennedy administration; it is later revealed that at least 17 candidates had turned down the position before Webb was approached.

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1961: And now they have their first child, baby Kev born in October.

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Day 961: 2人目かんせー


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Day 7 of 's A cartoon character that debuted in the 1960s

Heavens to Murgatroyd! Today's pick is a co-star on the "Yogi Bear Show" back in 1961: Snagglepuss, a pink mountain lion with a great desire to be a stage actor. A feline Shakespeare, even.

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Detective Comics This arc has been just the best. Beautiful, on a lot of fronts. & are the best team.

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Superman Fan Podcast Episode 329 Part II: Superman Family Comic Book Cover Dated June 1961:…

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