UPDATE: The 2020 AAEC+ACC cartoonist convention in Ottawa is officially cancelled. From ACC prez : “We just heard today from the Canadian Feds, who were hosting a big chunk of the convention, that they must postpone until an undetermined date."


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Big surprise, but the 2020 AAEC+ACC gathering in Ottawa, Ontario is postponed until further notice.


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The AAEC is sponsoring four public events today at in Columbus Ohio. Join 's Mike Peterson, , Nancy Ohanian and to talk all things Trump. 3:30pm TODAY in the Metropolitan Library Auditorium.


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The AAEC is sponsoring four public events today at in Columbus Ohio. Join Terry Anderson of at 1pm TODAY as Pedro Molina, , Charles Brownstein, and discuss the Free-Speech Situation Facing the World.


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The AAEC is sponsoring four public events today at in Columbus Ohio. Join Kal Kallaugher at NOON TODAY in the Metropolitan Library Auditorium, as he discusses the current state of affairs facing political cartoonists.


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The AAEC is sponsoring four public events Saturday at in Columbus Ohio. Join 's Mike Peterson, , Nancy Ohanian and to talk all things Trump. 3:30pm in the Metropolitan Library Auditorium, 1st Floor 


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The AAEC is sponsoring four public events Saturday at in Columbus Ohio. Join Terry Anderson of at 1pm Saturday as Pedro Molina, , Charles Brownstein and discuss the Free-Speech Situation Facing the World.


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The AAEC is sponsoring four public events at this weekend in Columbus Ohio. Join Kal Kallaugher NOON SATURDAY in the Metropolitan Library Auditorium, as he discusses the current state of affairs facing political cartoonists.


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Last call, last call. If you haven't registered for the AAEC convention yet, click here now https://t.co/2xXttQ78rT

Deadline is noon today EST

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Did you forget to register for this year's AAEC convention? Well no worries — the good news is CXC just gave any stragglers a few extra days to sign up. You now have until Monday morning, AUG 19, 2019 to register at https://t.co/2xXttQ78rT

This is a hard cutoff, so get crackin'

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Are you a cartoonist? Are you thinking of going to AAEC+CXC in September? Yeah? Well the deadline to register is, uh, TODAY! If you want to attend, better click here now: https://t.co/Wovuew3mvT

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Are you an editorial cartoonist? Are you thinking of going to this year's AAEC convention+CXC festival in Columbus, OH? Need a place to stay? Better hurry, the deadline to make hotel reservations is THIS FRIDAY, AUGUST 9. Click here for details.


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Are you a political cartoonist? Are you thinking of going to this year's AAEC convention+CXC festival in Columbus, OH? Need a place to stay? Better hurry, the deadline to make hotel reservations is THIS FRIDAY, AUGUST 9. Click here for details.


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Hey cartoonists! Are you going to AAEC+CXC at the end of September? Got a room yet?

The deadline to reserve your hotel room in Columbus, Ohio is AUGUST 9! That's, like, less than a week from now

Click here for details — and hurry. Rooms are going fast!


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Many members of the AAEC plans to join with 100s of newspapers tomorrow, Aug. 16, in confronting 's constant assault on the free press & the 1st Amendment (in fact cartoons have already begun to appear over at https://t.co/3tfyPky1c2).

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Pat Bagley
President of the AAEC.
Cartooning for The Salt Lake Tribune: https://t.co/g32GUjmb6K

🔸 'Butchering the Truth', 1 May 2018. Pat Bagley, The Salt Lake Tribune.

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Another editorial cartoonist position is cut—the AAEC speaks out on the axing of VC Rogers at the alt-weekly . https://t.co/Y4cCB8U72j

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