End of chase double rainbow captured WB AB 27 just past Delia, AB. 9:41PM. Improvement over my cell phone capture earlier.

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A few more from last nights storm... not gonna lie it was quite impressive!

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I feel like Jonah, about to be swallowed by the whale. pano taken south of Carseland, looking west 9:34 pm

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Yesterday June 13 was A First Good 2019 of the season!! From Olds Ab All the way to Rosebud Ab

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Here are my 4 favorite storm photos from today's storm chase.
1. East of Olds facing west 2:54 PM
2. & 3. east of crossfield looking west. 4:14PM
4. South East looking SE 5:10 PM

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Scraped the snow on my car with a frisbee today

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Much needed rain falling over listening region. We are off the air and not complaining.

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Hail from Bowden image from friend Not a fun day to have family members shattered around

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Huge storm cell building over Gull Lake

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