5位(RT55/Fav186):https://t.co/hqhvFmFrf3 (zarusyu)
6位(RT50/Fav164):https://t.co/XfBosiC91s (albion_ins)
7位(RT55/Fav134):https://t.co/rVtKiN7Cxp (yamadanti62)
8位(RT50/Fav135):https://t.co/iXTZXzGvgF (satsuki_tohka)

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9位(RT33/Fav94):https://t.co/82xIdC7n7r (mikankei3)
10位(RT27/Fav84):https://t.co/XfBosiC91s (albion_ins)
11位(RT31/Fav64):https://t.co/iXTZXzGvgF (satsuki_tohka)
12位(RT23/Fav61):https://t.co/4FglWduts3 (bymayumayu)

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For all you Obsidian Lore Heads out there, here is the flag of Albion, Melehan's original home.

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I swear I'll do some finished art of this man one day 🙏 But this is Albion, he's gradually gotten more chad but I'm gonna revert back to his itty bitty waist days, it suits him so well🥹

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9位(RT49/Fav141):https://t.co/OwaHfrxWkC (gate19_nanone)
10位(RT41/Fav142):https://t.co/WYea0TLIji (comicand_com)
11位(RT36/Fav128):https://t.co/29FnTghZXG (siroimakeinu831)
12位(RT42/Fav112):https://t.co/u3MTQam5uK (albion_ins)

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And as a bonus I'll also include another ship that's worthy of the "best UC protagonist warship."

The grey phantom. Like the Albion, it's literal perfection, only in this case the grey phantom is quite literally just a more sleek and modernistic WB

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The Nahel Argama though is a serious improvement, this ship much like the Albion borrows alot from the white base design though despite the coloring and design choice is definitely WB, the shape is more derived from the Dogosse Gier class of ship

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The Albion is the best of the pegasus class and (dare I say) the best lead Gundam warship in all of UC, the Ra cailum and N. Argama don't even come close. It's stays faithful to the White base's general style while improving on it, making it more grounded and technical

11 44

Started Albion Online lately thanks to 👀

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Albion the Branded Dragon

Apparently I was branded a "Yugioh talent" the other day

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Albion supremacy 🥵🥵🥵

アルビオンさん | めろぱん https://t.co/ElYkG5oOiK

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Mythos of Albion ではこの3人(+1匹(人))が主に一緒に行動してたりする。


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My gift for !! Forgive me for taking so long, preparations have been rather packed but here's an Albion and Taz piece for you! 💜💚

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abio, angel, basil, albion, idk what kind of name i should holly give him

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【#C101 新刊】『Albion's Archive#1 邪教のシスターさん 設定資料集』


474 2534

Le Live a commencé ➡️https://t.co/mOrAZvUfGb🚨

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