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@artistsbase I like how i draw anatomies, i can draw hands too! Prof also often times compliments my composition hehe
It really sucks how much distaste people have for animals. It's what I love to illustrate because of their unique anatomies and stories I like to come up with them. But I keep getting people saying along the lines "draw more people". They see animals as lesser beings.
Let’s continue the experience:
How does this make you feel?
« Anatomie D’Un Papillon 🦋 » 2020, collected by @dcroweth
I would love to read your impressions in the comment 👇
@hayertalbema3ak @ceconomou56 @Messe11 @DavLucia @claudioborlotto @GerardLDonadoni @martinis2018 @Petra71301259 @yianniseinstein @CMX9NujRcQvVVwW @albertopetro2 @renatoantares50 @doritadia @aralia_a @cmont4560 @PaolaToogoodxme @Rebeka80721106 @Snark150 @neblaruz @ScottDorian4 @ValerioLivia @AnnaMar90949897 @Dominiquepucini @RonaldMRiveraA @MaxPriviero @FriendArt_ @MarisaPetrina @JohnDante_ @ritamay1 @anne_camozzi @BryanMatthews23 @CarloEnrico16 @AlessandraCicc6 @dianadep1 @agustin_gut @RitangelaPrivi1 @djolavarrieta @migliaccio31 @paoloigna1 @giuseppenotarn1 @AntonellaLaTor6 @marcovolpicell @SgherriSimona @ANNAMAMARIABIA1 @Sensibilia8 @EnricoCastrovil @kamabi @CristianeGLima @AnnaCountessK French chimérologist and illustrator, Camille Renversade (b. 1983) creates fantastic creatures, weird anatomies and fancies chart. The illustrator inspires by the old school boards.
@Omegasama_art Throughout most of my art hobby, I've been doodling full character drawings (no portraits) each with different poses and anatomies.
It is pretty tough for me to come up with a brand-new character pose since I draw in a completely unique, distinquish art style.
Iguanodon, I am REALLY trying my best to get into accurate paleoart, but I’m telling ya it ain’t as fun as fucking up the anatomies.
[opéra d'anatomie 〜解剖学のオペラ]
I swear i begin to notice that almost every work has to do with limbs and long anatomies. Happy to see i have a theme going on.
J'avais aussi legerement réparer mon anatomie humaine et heureusement jme dit-
ya eu des gros raté avec lanatomie du visage a un moment , cest des dessins dont javais méga honte car c'etait laid asf , mais je tentais quand meme de trouver mon style (rip Iris et danube , appartenant a @cosmoethiic-)
@Youridefou Alors c'est pas pour me moquer mais j'ai tout de suite pensé à Grenat dans Steve Universe qui a la même anatomie😭
@_pdlp I don't think that she's qualified as a monster but she's the only one of my OC that has a few different anatomies, she's actually a Succubus 😄✨
@DeviantArt Sonic X...partly because I loved the anime, partly because I hated the anatomies of some episodes 😅
Niveau anatomie ça va mieux (faudrait que je fasse un redraw 👀)
2020~2022 https://t.co/d5IHOgDnsv
Que ce soit dessin, en peinture ou en sculpture, la connaissance de l'anatomie humaine est primordial.
La peau prends la forme de ce qu'il y a dessous, elle est légèrement translucide et élastique.
La myologie et l'ostéologie sont des passages obligés en art.
@TheLimsse @auraenity @_spiritforest @pharna @dalaonyang @Illusion_Noire @Poussissi voilà j'ai complété^^ (désolée pour l'anatomie des ailes j'ai complété vite fait c'est pas très juste)
Can do all the anatomies.
Not up for super big commissions atm, but if you want smth slightly over a sketch, or some concept art then I'm up for that too.
Adriaan de Lelie (19 May 1755 – 30 November 1820, Amsterdam) was a Dutch painVoordracht_over_de_anatomie_door_Andreas_Bonn_voor_het_departement_der_Tekenkunde_van_Felix_Meritis_(1792)a-family-in-elswout-adriaan-de
Somehow in these several months i learned some animal anatomies but still not satisfied with the actual characters that i draw 😂