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“Il mio cuore batteva
attonito e smarrito.
… I limoni in fiore,
i cipressi dell’orto,
verde il prato,il sole,l’acqua, l’iride
l’acqua nei tuoi capelli!
E tutto nel ricordo si perdeva
come una bolla di sapone al vento.

A. Atroshenko

3 5

Le ragazze al crepuscolo scendendo in acqua,
quando il mare svanisce, disteso. Nel bosco
ogni foglia trasale, mentre emergono caute
sulla sabbia e si siedono a riva. La schiuma
fa i suoi giochi inquieti, lungo l’acqua remota[.]

8 13

iPad finally came! Getting reacquainted with Procreate after a lapse of a few years with my favorite guinea pig (who is not actually a pig.) Gonna be a learning curve getting used to this, but a challenge I’m very excited to tackle!

94 639

'Le ninfee' di Monet sono un ciclo di dipinti conservato oggi nel Museo dell'Orangerie di Parigi all'interno dei famosi Jardin des Tuilleries; realizzerà oltre 250 dipinti Monet, ritraendo questi fiori acquatici, dal 1890 fino alla sua morte.
(Buona serata a tutti ✨🥂✨)

11 19

i made his acquaintance
i took out my graphic tablet just for this https://t.co/FR47Iyig6W

6 54

Io ti guardo
e tutto è nudo
Le barche, fuori,
hanno poca acqua
Bisogna dire tutto
in poche parole.
Il mare è freddo
senza amore

Paul Eluard

11 28

Hellooo🙌🏼, it'd be nice for us to be acquainted 😁.
I'm Freakazord, webcomic artist, animator and other mushy stuff.

0 9

I’ve had a wonderful birthday, a big thank you to all my wonderful friends, family, mutuals, and acquaintances <3 I love you guys
That said it’s technically not over yet, so this is my last chance to solicit free art. Ooooo you wanna draw my characters for free ooooo

2 14

your favorite alleyway demon is here, Hi my name is Ray pleasure to make ur acquaintance 😈

oh and my link is https://t.co/Jmh9xPg4zk

0 2

Hello! I'm both a Vtuber and an artist! My main artform is writing, but I've been know to doodle every now and again and dabble in other things as well. pleased to make your acquaintance!


0 1

Crypto main here! 💖 Lately, I've been making discord emotes and getting acquainted with sketching out the legends in fancy outfits! 💖

Anyone can feel free to request one colored emote!

1 1

Esta pareja tiene unos discos que impresionan ...
Te la dedico: Acqua e sale

2 6

Cadono i fiori di ciliegio,
sugli specchi d'acqua della risaia
al chiarore di una notte senza luna
Yosa Buson

Van der Neer

3 5


The vampire lady, she inspired classic horror novel by an acquaintance of Beardsley, title of that book is "Dracula".

0 26

becoming reacquainted with drawing The Wife :)

9 27

Pleasure to make your acquaintance. First one is the only once that's recent.

0 1

art of acquaintance in streamer's disco

3 6

Luhhdan and her boyfriend decided to have dinner outside the house to take a walk in the middle of the city, but what they didn't expect was that they would end up finding all their acquaintances in the same place.

Commission for

3 9