How can we reach and awaken the other “sleeping Autistics” – the ones who have been unintentionally gaslighted by society their entire lives?

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How does one man with Aspergers use his imagination for extra motivation?

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How does cooking in the kitchen benefit children on the autism spectrum?

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“Try harder,” “push further,” “toughen up,” “grow up,” “be more this,” “don’t’ be so wired,” – all these words mean nothing to her now, but for years they held a strange power.

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Autistic discovery is crucial to helping an Autistic person live happily and healthily.

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"The knowledge that there are many types of brains and ways to interpret, comprehend, and understand the world brings me peace and ease."

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"When you don’t know you are Autistic, you compare yourself to non-autistic people, trying to hold yourself to their standards – because you don’t know there are other standards to follow."

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"Phrases like 'what is wrong with you', 'nobody else is complaining', and 'you’re just being difficult' have followed me around for most of my life."

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The autistic community shares their important autistic discovery moments with Christa (Neurodivergent Rebel) on Twitter

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Vegeta, Batman, and Spiderman are some of the friends he calls upon when he needs motivation and extra support.

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Why do some people think you are acting 'more autistic' after your diagnosis?

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Christa wondered if other autistic people have been told that they can't possibly be autistic and how many were ignorant reasons for asking.

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Jonah uses his imagination and special interests when he needs to go to a place where he knows he'll be understood.

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Christa asked other autistics on Twitter if they also hear "No, you aren't" comments about their autism diagnosis.

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Is it possible for someone to unintentionally or accidentally gaslight another individual? If it's accidental, is it still gaslighting?

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Each of his character friends do something different for him--some are for motivation, some help him through problems, and others are understanding friends.

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