The Metatron turns its wrath towards the earth while Jack makes a perilous deal to save the afterlife...

A new chapter of is now online, featuring art and letters by the amazing and


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haha what if we fell in love and we are both in the afterlife.........just kidding!!!.........unless 😳😳

6 13

Today is especially difficult, so drew something that would make mama smile. I like to think this was one of the first things she did in the afterlife... flip off jerks with Carrie Fisher, a fellow General and Queen. I love you Mommy, and I miss you every day. Happy Mother's Day.

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"Ive never believed in an afterlife...but I still believe in this life."

5 24

“I wanted to keep you
but I was told you’d grown too old
for someone who stayed young by bleeding light
my afterlife... is black and cold.”

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Only in the afterlife...

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Kamisama no Uroko just sent me to afterlife...woow

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"My duty is to the afterlife... yet, I play courier for an agency of iniquitous criminals. All of humanity is fleshtaint and claxed from birth... The day will rise when vengeance will strike through the realms with ferocity.

​Until then? I will do what I was made to do.

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So , I thought I'd test out the Kenneth Branagh theory from

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"Boss. That wasn't even a pun. All you did was replace a word with 'squid'."
Dr. Maddiman suffers in his afterlife...

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