Uhm... ja...
Erinnert ihr euch an die CropTop-Idee?
Ich finde, Alvera kann es tragen 🥰

Vielleicht muss ich mehr Charaktere damit zeichnen 😂

2 6

Nicht so gut wie Leviathan, dafür in viel kürzerer Zeit :)
Vielleicht habe ich das Durchhaltevermögen, meine Charaktere in einer Headshot-Reihe vorzustellen 🥰

Hier haben wir Alvera. Dieb, Gwenja, unfreiwilliger Papa 😂

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stuff from today :] first is a new character i got from @/alveraadopts on th/da and the second is one of my fursonas

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It's time! If you love epic fantasy with strong magic systems, this series by is for you.

Chrys is trapped in his own mind.
Laurel has lost her threadlight.
And Alverax may have doomed them all.
What have they done?

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Christmas Malvera
I know it isn't Christmas anymore but at least I drew a holiday drawing for once

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Hola sensei!!!
Aki te dejo un fanart de gurin de noche calvera, es algo sencillo y lo hice con el dedo, pero es pero que le guste sensei!!!!!!

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I finally finished it. This is the campaign I’ve been playing. Each one of us plays host to one of the zodiac.

From left to right
Juto Chandrika - Human Monk 🐇
Zul’gog - Half-orc Barbarian 🦣
Kosaru - Halfling Monk 🐒
Alvera - Eladrin Wizard 🐅
Tirza - Shadar Kai Bard 🐓

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A cozy winter night for two 💝
Commission for the lovely

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Don't let the dress fool you--he is no frail creature. After years of agony, Apollo managed to kill his captor, Lucifer, in Hell's first revolt. Now, with the other corrupted gods of old at his whim, Satan Apollo decides the God of Gods, Calvera, should be next.

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I lied about not posting oops- this is a gift thingy for Calvera on warriors amino! very happy with how it turned out tbh.

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Hoy la SCJN desechó el derecho de decidir a las mujeres sobre nuestro cuerpo, sepan que la prohibición del aborto no hará que dejen de haber clandestinos. Hoy no fue, pero será.

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El aborto legal es una deuda de la democracia.

Educación sexual para prevenir violencia, abuso y embarazos no planeados, anticoncepción segura y disponible, servicios de aborto institucionales, respeto al estado laico.

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My version of:
★ Quetzalcoatl Calvera ★

29 80

Un’intervista di quelle in cui vieni rapita dagli alieni, viaggi nel cosmo e torni giù diversa.
Dialogo su per a cura di
Grazie di cuore!


11 24

Late to the party, started playing couple days ago. Here's my druid Besrakea and my warlock Alvera!

3 9

Oggi sarò ospite, con , di Maria Elena Leggieri sui canali e pagina FB di 💚
Parleremo del mio libro edizione , del decalogo di x affrontare la e di molto altro!
Seguiteci! 😍🎉

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