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Darjeeling Albertine
이 친구는 용입니다... 그리고 캐모마일 칼라한이라는 왕귀여운 애인이 있답니다☺️👍
자캐 그림이 역대급으로 잘 그려져서 슬쩍 자랑하러 왔습니다...☺️
이름은 다즐링 알버타인(Darjeeling Albertine)
A Girl in a Window, Trompe-l'oeil
Unknown artist, German, 1590
(Albertina, Vienna)
#UnGiornoCon R. Alberti / O. Redon #CasaLettori
Attraverso i secoli, per il nulla del mondo,
io, insonne, ti cerco.
🦌: what are you doing, Albertine...?
🎻: I'm just admiring Mr. Detective right here right now, if you don't mind.
art © Shira on fb
🌲 Österreichs allgemeine baumzucht,:
Wien: Ignaz Albertischen Buchdruck., 1792-1822.
Para celebrar el hecho de que la Albertina (@AlbertinaMuseum) ha puesto a disposición del público miles de obras e imágenes de su colección, aquí tenéis esta maravilla que uno nunca se cansa de mirar:
Ala de una carraca europea, por Alberto Durero
🔗 https://t.co/O4xL55ttwh
🌲 Österreichs allgemeine baumzucht,:
Wien: Ignaz Albertischen Buchdruck., 1792-1822.
🌲 Österreichs allgemeine baumzucht,:
Wien: Ignaz Albertischen Buchdruck., 1792-1822.
🌲 Österreichs allgemeine baumzucht,:
Wien: Ignaz Albertischen Buchdruck., 1792-1822.
#366birdsokawari #たれひよこ #chicks
Pteridophora alberti
King of Saxony Bird
Bird of Paradise
Oi, twitter! Eu sou a Juia e eu sou ilustradora, character designer, storyboarder e animadora 2D às vezes.
Procuro trabalhos como freelancer ✨🌸💖
Manda jobs:
portfólio: https://t.co/WL6qD0Sp7b
🌲 Österreichs allgemeine baumzucht,:
Wien: Ignaz Albertischen Buchdruck., 1792-1822.
#savethedate UPCOMING CONFERENCE: The Medici on the Road, 16 -17 June 2022, Palazzo Alberti, Florence. For the full program: https://t.co/SG7jsGY7jH Seats will be available on a first-come, first-served basis but if you would like to confirm your attendance, please email us.