Explorers have come, one by one, observing tidepool treasures with care.

4 42

Yes snow really is cold! -An early Christmas kitty stepping out

4 51

doodles for this weeks Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

2 43

It’s fun being a flamingo 😁#colour_collective

22 186

Keep searching, there are treasures out there to be found. Have a magical weekend everyone! 😊❄️🌞

13 104

Watching gave me the idea for this weeks ... A Whitemargin Unicorn Fish (yes it's a thing ;)) takes a well earned break.

3 57

Winter is almost here and I am debating when is the appropriate time to start celebrating Christmas 😂 this little guy is coming out of his burrow to celebrate the first snow!❄️

19 182

Managed to tie this week’s in with my first Christmas card design. I optimistically thought I could do all 4 in a week but have managed to finish the grand total of 1... 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄

13 70

One of the few things I dislike about Having to wrap yourself and your kids in so many layers that you feel like a stuffy oversized onion.

10 92

Brrr! It's chilly tonight in Devon, here's a bunny keeping warm in an jumper for this week's

2 58

❄️今週の  の色です ❄️


9 69