FlixPatrol is reporting that yesterday Alita: Battle Angel was on iTunes in the Philippines and today Alita has moved up to the spot on iTunes. That makes it 14 days that Alita has been in the Philippines itunes Top 10.

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WARNING SPOILER gepeng My 1n-L4ws ar3 Ob5ess3d W1th Me (ijo)

ekspetasi: wah ini pasti ceritanya uwu2 bucin hm mari kita baca

realita: sekeluarga punya trauma💀

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RaikoArt, would you be willing to let the Alita Army use your fan art of Alita: Battle Angel (attached) in a proposed ad on Sept 9 2022 in the Los Angeles Times? https://t.co/LTzWptrXjh

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The L A Daily News reports that there are no major studio releases planned for the rest of August. A mass tweet requesting a rerelease Alita: Battle Angel in theaters might work if there were 10K tweets, and it would have a big impact, and it would be free, unlike an ad.

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I know I’m late to the party but Alita: Battle Angel is awesome. This movie and Mortal Engines should’ve been hits.

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Antonio Salieri was jealous of Mozart because Mozart was a genius and he wasn't. This may explain why Disney hasn't greenlighted an Alita sequel. Alita: Battle Angel was such a great movie it made the Disney movies that year look bad. Disney, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

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The Alita Army is planning on placing an ad to promote a sequel to Alita: Battle Angel in the Los Angeles Times. Would you be willing to let the Alita Army use your picture of Alita in that advertisement? That's a great picture.

10 30

I wanna make a PS1 style box art for Alita: Battle Angel.
But I don't have any inspiration. So I used https://t.co/4CVythmaFd to get inspired. Which AI-generated image should I take inspiration from ?

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Went to see this in 2019 - had no expectations at all & was unaware of the source material - but was blown away in the first 20 minutes!
Even now I notice new things & meanings every time I watch this gem...Alita: Battle Angel..

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Angels are awesome fighters. Nobody beats a battle angel. And nobody beats Alita: Battle Angel when it comes to winning over audiences. You can count on Alita to deliver a sequel that soars! Disney, greenlight an Alita sequel!

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On this years a brand new Avatar set was announced - Toruk Makto & the Tree of Soul. It's set to be on the shelves in October with a price tag of 150.00$.

With Cameron's work getting more recognition, why not add Alita: Battle Angel to this Lego-vely collection? 🤔😄😉

10 23

Every day there are signs that Alita: Battle Angel has a large, passionate fanbase. After more than 3 years the Alita sequel petition is still growing. The FX movie channel keeps showing Alita again & again. And every day more beautiful Alita fan art hits the web.

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The tickets to see Morbius were full price, averaging about $11 a ticket. A rerelease of Alita: Battle Angel in U S theaters would probably sell 25K to 50K tickets easily, or $275,000 to $550,000 at the box office.

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Morbius is returning to 1000 movie theaters this weekend, & Morbius got a C+ on Cinemascore. Alita: Battle Angel got an A- on CinemaScore. Let's see what the box office is for Morbius this weekend.

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F.B: Alita: Battle Angel
by Shoupyun (ショウピュンpixiv 1603493)

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✨Setelah saniwa met gala✨

ekspetasi: realita:

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