Still painting but am dabbling with printing as well, which I hope to post soon. It’s such a patient art as opposed to my more intuitive a loose abstract work.

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There’s something I really love about this stage of a painting. It’s so loose and raw, but so unfinished. My endless goal is to arrive at the end with this same freshness.

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Last week it was a pleasure to network with and other art leaders. We’re going to paint today (without water) watch this space!

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Decided to do some facial studies using cool folks I follow online. This time it's Psychara! Her instagram is so freakin aesthetically pleasing. Cant tell if she has a real twitter, though so here's a link to her insta!

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This is true but don't worry change is a good thing.

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TFW u realize how long you've been drawing. wish i had my older work

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