Yes, the realization that “We are One” we are all connected! We are all beautiful, gorgeous energy. If only we could see each other’s beautiful soul and not what’s covering it.

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Be free to be You! Respect others and allow them to be who they are too. As soon as you judge, you’ve lowered your vibrations. Be true to you. Shine bright!💫 “Freedom”

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Thank you Sweet Mama Sue 🙏🏻💗 Sending a “Wave of Appreciation” to you as well. The world is so blessed with your beautiful vibes!

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I’d say if someone can’t control you and they move on, then thank the universe that they are not in your life. One less stress! ☝🏻“Freedom” Be Free to be You! original artwork that connects to your soul.

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Absolutely!! Be Free to be You and own it 👊🏻 “Freedom” www.riklandesign

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“Forgiveness” ~ Forgive yourself and forgive others. Feel the lightness and feel the love 🙏🏻💗 You are light, you are love. Everything always works out, it always does, one way or another.

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My gift the the world is my Every piece serves me well. Reminds me of what really matters. I’m super excited to let go and be guided at the canvas. I try to do the same with life. Be guided. Appreciation is icing on the cake!

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Thank you!!🙏🏻 Love you so much! I choose Love, Joy, Kindness and “Freedom” ~ Be Free to be YOU! I’m totally inspired by the LOA! Appreciative of all of your offerings. You ROCK👊🏻❤️

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“Wave of Appreciation” 🙏🏻#AmazingVibesArtwork Thank you for all that you do Esther! Love you so much!! 💗

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“Freedom” ~ Be free to be you! Follow your beautiful, unique path!

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“Freedom” ~Be free to be you! You are love, 💗you are light! 💫Your joy is at the core of your being!

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I’m such a fan of LOA! Beautiful, heartwarming messages to keep us aligned 🙏🏻 thank you! “Wave of Appreciation” to you!

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Thank you Amanda! Here’s a “Wave of Appreciation” for you! So kind of you 🙏🏻💗#AmazingVibesArtwork

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“Forgiveness” ~ forgive yourself and others and instantly feel the lightness. You are love 💗 How you feel matters!!! You matter! Shine your light so bright it attracts more love! You got this! 👊🏻

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My pleasure! I’m feeling those awesome vibes! Back atcha🤗 “BFF” Always there, cheering you on and believing in you!

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“Wave of Appreciation” ~ Loving all the beauty that surrounds you❣️ riding the waves of joy and appreciation!#AmazingVibesArtwork Original artwork, prints and thank you cards available.

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