Commission from ! Happy Valentines from Soren and Amia! 💕

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my piece for my oc server's latest art trade! this is 's amia! 🖤 I think this one turned out really nice >w<

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Amia lore time

Amia lived a pretty average life for the most part- at least during the early parts of her life. She had good parents, a good home, and was even a pretty smart kid for their age. One day though, a scientist came to the door, and tried to convince Amia’s parents to

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[BA Yume / GL / KannAmia]

murid bau duda dan guru bau janda. finally decided on amia's eye color... looks much better like this

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kanna vibenya duda katanya temenku jd OC yang kuship sama kanna kubikin vibenya janda

kakaknya Shirley btw, namanya Aiya Amia (nama ngasal bodo amat deh)

Sensei Schale yang domainnya Valkyrie tentu saja.

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Wanna see their first human designs

Throws this at you anyway. (The kid isn’t Amia btw)

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All you need to know is this first one is Amia and this second one is Jade (art by ray cause their art is god tier)

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Amia💕 I tried out MediBang with this piece. Pretty good for something that’s free

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I am a minefield for others when I post FanArt of Vox and Amia.
Because you never know if you either get a wholesome fanart, or an ANGST FANART(Which is the highest expectation). Or I could be both. Which some might call me a monster for doing it to the guy who lost his wife-

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Amia의 그림체의 특징을 찾아보시오

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■Vtuber:HAL 様(#HAL_46_)
■Illust:aMia 真墨 様(#masumi_mi)

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Sorry if Amia is a little late to this but
Would it be possible to draw one of Amia's Homestuck OCs 👉👈 /genq
Her name is Situla
If Amia should give a better reference for her, Amia can do so! These are just some sprite edits Amia did of her ^^

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Ty for the opportunity :DDD im amia. Im korean and i draw silly pokemon characters !,!

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mizuki akiyama aka. amia

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皆~!やっほ~! Amiaだよ~♪̊̈


♡ か ♻️ でお迎えするね!

仕様書確認 必修

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