Free Champion Rotation, Week of January 7th: Amumu, Aurelion Sol, Elise, Evelynn, Gangplank, Gnar, Janna, Jinx, Lee Sin, Leona, Olaf, Tahm Kench, Vayne, Xerath, and Yasuo

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Favourite Champion: Poppy
Champions I find attractive: Poppy, Kindred, Nami, Vi, Pantheon
First Main: Jarvan
Current Mains: Amumu, Zac, Nami, Poppy
If I get Top: Mundo
If I get Jungle: Amumu, Zac, Poppy
If I get Mid: Xerath
If I get ADC: Twitch
If I get Support: Nami, Thresh

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Amumu! Smiling?! LOVE this wonderful by (IG) Check out his channel-really cool artwork! TY for the love for he deserves to smile every once in a while. He’s one of my favorites. 💚#Fanartfriday

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Pajama Party

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On October 10th at 3:00 am PT for NA, 5:00 UK time for EUW, and 3:00 CET for EUNE, servers will go down for maintenance and the 8.20 patch will be applied including the Ezreal champion update, Infernal Amumu, Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger, and more!

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10/3 PBE Update going out, including splash for Infernal Amumu, as well as new emotes featuring Ezreal!

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Claiming this idea now, bedsheet Amumu, It's probably already been done ages ago, but just imagine this guy having a Halloween skin of just a sad little ghost costume child.

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The Sadmumu.

I know Amumu should be posted before Anivia.. My bad! I swear i know my ABC!

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post specifically mentions upcoming skins for Shen, Amumu, Rumble, Heimerdinger, Vladimir, Galio, and Aurelion Sol!

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