if a girl's anilist favorite character list looks like this you need to run

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Anilist uses this Tessa art for her profile pic and that is a very good choice

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found a good banner for my anilist

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Was going through my planned series and adding stuff onto Anilist didn’t even realize the Tensura movie had a new visual.

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Finally updated my favorites on Anilist too. 🏌️‍♂️

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Which of these main characters have the best attacks

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esperando el día en que te hagas la anilist así tomo nota más rápido

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so startled looking at LOGH on anilist and going, "wait, that's my profile's banner"

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You know the anime season is ROUGH PICKINGS when this is the second most popular anime running this season according to AniList. God is dead.

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idk how i didn’t hear abt this till after it ended and i stumbled upon it on anilist 🧍‍♀️ BUT ANW THIS SHOW HAS THE OPENING OF ALL TIME and overall very fun watch love all the characters and the concept 😭 ep 1 is a great intro for the show lol

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Rank these main characters from best to worst

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Uma Musume terminado, y me jode no poder ponerle 20/10 en AniList xd

Fuera coñas, wtf con este spokon?? No tenía NINGUNA esperanza de que me fuese a gustar (ha sido por , y sobre todo por que me lo vi), y me ha ENCANTADO 💥

Una joya oculta en toda regla 🧐

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My man got a beautiful profile on Anilist 💕😍✨

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Molan's fave character list on anilist is so fucking powerful

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mudaram a foto do kirei no anilist e eu só consigo pensar nisso

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Day 26: Best Shoujo Manga
that's reallllly hard. On my anilist it has my highest rated ones as
The Rose of Versailles
Library Wars: Love & War
Night of the Beasts
Kageki Shojo!! The Curtain Rises

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