部門3優勝 - SCP-4511 - SWINE GOD (訳題: 豚神)
既に翻訳済みです! 不気味な雰囲気の良記事なので、もしまだ読んでいなければ是非。
Source: https://t.co/3ZfNNFsXii
Original Source: https://t.co/T1mOYBKwvJ
Author: DrAnnoyingDog、 Rounderhouse
Translator: C-Dives
License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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Hey y'all, Happy VDay! Give u chocolate! 🍫

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Day 11: Cruel
Day 12: Whale (Whale/Mongoose creature combo)
Day 13: Toriel/Guarded
Day 14: Annoying Dog/Clock

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Puzzle 06:
"#AnnoyingDog stole special attack again... Help him to find it back and discover behind which column the dog is hiding!"
(Solution in Puzzle 07)

Solution for Puzzle 05: https://t.co/ZbTTeTPg75

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"By barking with text-to-speech on, the dog accidentally programmed a whole game"

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